
Spiral Review

New product alert!!!! I wanted to take a moment to introduce my newest product.  I am very proud of this product and will be working hard to make a bundle for each month.  My goal is to eventually have an entire year's worth of Math Spiral review for fourth grade (and then maybe even move on to other grades.) It has become so evident to me lately that spiral review is absolutely crucial, especially at this time of the year.  As we approach testing, this is a great opportunity to keep information fresh! 

Here is how I use these spiral review units in my classroom.  Each worksheet looks like this: 

There are four rows with four problems in each row.  My students complete one row each morning (Monday-Thursday) for morning work.  At the beginning of Math, I show the answer key using the document camera for the row that they completed that morning (answer keys are included in the bundle.)  Then, during Guided Math, there is a "review round" where students spend time correcting problems that they missed and asking any questions that they have.  Since we don't have a lot of time to review, this is a good way to get the review in without it taking away too much time from the new concepts that I'm teaching. Another idea would be to add one row per night for homework (4 additional review homework questions per night).  You could also have the students complete these problems in a guided math round and review whole group.  There are so many options!!!! 

On Friday, students spend morning work time studying their completed Spiral Review sheet for the quiz that they will have. On each quiz, I selected 10 questions (with different numbers) to include from the worksheet.  The quiz only reflects what the students worked on that week in spiral review.  The quiz that accompanies the above picture looks like this: 

Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are represented on each and every spiral review sheet because it seems to be something my students forget unless we are CONSTANTLY practicing it. 

Lastly, since I eventually plan on having a spiral review unit for each month of the school year, they are numbered by month and week.  September will be unit 1 and June will be unit 10.  February is the 6th month of school (for me at least) so this is unit 6.  Spiral Review worksheet 6.1 (as pictured above) is month 6, week 1. So, for example spiral review worksheet 6.4 is February, week 4. 

If you love this product, you can find it here at my store.  Feedback is greatly appreciated! Don't forget to find me on instagram at @fourthgradefab and on Facebook


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